Kreepy Krauly Legend- Lil Shark- Sand Shark- E-Z Vac- Pool Cleaners

is your pool clean?
Healthy pool?


They say “ignorance is bliss” which can be true especially when it comes to the germs we are exposed to on a daily basis, or how else would be we able to leave our homes, right? But, when it comes to your own backyard swimming pool, surely you would want to know about the germs that are taking a swim along with you. Pool cleaning is not just a matter of aesthetics, RWI's (recreational water illnesses) are serious business -your pool may contain harmful parasites such as Giardia, Cryptosporidium and E. coli, and that’s not the worst of it either.

Blessedly, apart from enforcing a strict ‘no pee’ policy and maintaining the right chlorine levels, there are other ways in which you can keep away the nasties, like using one of these efficient pool cleaners. So, how efficient are they you ask? Let’s find out.







1. Kreepy Krauly Sand Shark In-Ground Pool Cleaner

kreepy krauly sand shark


  • Suction pool cleaner
  • Makes a 12-inch cleaning path thanks to wider body
  • Safe for use on all pools (gunite, fiberglass and vinyl)
  • Contains a multitude of squeegee-type fins for extra cleaning capabilities
  • No assembly required
  • Supplied with 32 ft of hose
  • Eyeball diverters
  • Hose weights
  • Vac port fitting
  • SmartTrackSteering technology guides shark around pool making sure no dirt or debris escapes from bottom of pool to waterline, guides cleaner around awkward areas like ladders and swim outs
  • Has a flow regulator + flow gauge
  • Reducer cone included
  • Designed for in-ground pool cleaning only



Introducing The Sand Shark

The Kreepy Krauly SandShark In-Ground Pool Cleaner is a product of Pentair. This is a suction-side automatic pool cleaner which connects to your suction line or skimmer to provide a thorough scrub and pool vacuum with minimal fuss.

With rows of flexible rubber teeth, the cleaner is especially useful for the removal of fine silt and other debris that cling to the edges or bottom of the pool.

Another highlight of this pool cleaner is that its good at navigating through deep diving pools, and is able to move itself out of the deep end without getting stuck. This pool cleaner does not get stuck on the ladder or steps of the pool either, so there’s no need to keep an eye on the device during the cleaning process.

Additionally, you can also adjust the float of this cleaner so it is able to climb walls just like Spiderman. It is great at removing dirt and debris from those hard to reach areas making it the perfect choice for pool owners.



Making sure your filter system is clean is an important area that many pool owners miss out when installing an auto pool vac cleaner. While you’re at it, also check the baskets and make sure they’re clean. Having a clean system will be necessary if you want to get the best performance out of your Sand Shark.

Once you have done with that, inspect the area of your pool & take care of any damaged tiles that could hinder the cleaner’s movement. After that, chemically balance the pool water. Clean the filter and the strainer bucket. For anyone who has pets here are a few ways to ease the burden of dog hair on the pool filter.


Maintenance and General Upkeep

  • While most people use hose weights, sometimes the weights are not required. If you find that the cleaner is moving faster without the weights then there’s no need of using them. Always make sure that the hose used is long enough for the cleaner to come out from the furthest end of the pool.


  • To make sure that the hose you use does not develop a memory path you can switch the hose whenever you add chlorine shock once a month, transferring the hose that’s closest to the cleaner to the skimmer end. Doing this will ensure that the cleaner does not get stuck or stop travelling along a random pattern.


  • If you find that the cleaner is not picking up debris or dirt, you can stop using the automatic attachment which is supplied with the cleaner in the skimmer, and opt for the variable side suction dial that comes along with other cleaners from Pentair. But, that is if you have that option.


  • While this seldom happens, if it does get clogged up at the deep end of the pool and stops, you can bring it back to the surface and do a dry reset to make it work again.




  • The regulator valve can be set to the ideal speed for maximum cleaning performance.
  • Suction side pool cleaners are the cheapest.
  • It’s easy to install and affordable to repair.
  • Comes with a one year warranty.



  • While the cleaner works great it does require a powerful pump that has a high flow rate to make it work properly.
  • The automatic pool cleaner comes with many moving parts, meaning more chances of breaking down.
  • Can take up to 8 hours to fully clean a pool which is quite long.


auto pool vac

Available here 




2. Kreepy Krauly Legend Pool Cleaner

kreepy krauly legend auto robotic pool vac cleaner



  • Pressure side cleaner uses booster pump (sold separately) for extra power
  • Front-wheel drive + treaded tires offers maximum traction even on inclined surfaces.
  • The four-wheel design provides greater stability, and unlike 3-wheel cleaners, they do not tip.
  • Large intake throat along with a large collection bag can take care of large debris with ease.
  • A twist-style lock mechanism makes it incredibly easy to remove the collection bag.
  • Two colors available; full grey or grey and white.
  • Can clean a pool within 2 to 3 hours.
  • Comes with a one year warranty.


Legendary Introduction

Pentair offers a full range of auto pool cleaners, with the Legend being one of their premier pressure side in-ground models.

It has a backup valve timed for every three minutes, making sure your pool remains clean throughout the day. The pressure relief valve ensures a controlled water flow rate alongside a consistent speed level during the entire cleaning process.

If the Legend is pulling in too much water for it to handle the pressure relief valve can be manually adjusted to lower the water pressure level.

The lightweight body of the pool cleaner makes it possible for it to cover the entire pool and stairs. The vacuum also comes with a rear hose that is able to dislodge any silt or other particles in the corners.

The Cleaner is small enough to move around easily, while still being powerful enough to clean an average size pool with ease. The entire kit includes a 30-foot feed hose, Pentair spare parts, along with a one-year warranty.

Pentair (manufactures of Kreepy Krauly) say the Legend works best in pools that don’t have sharp angles or curves from the floor upwards. If this sounds like your pool, the Legend may find it hard to pull out of the deep and climb the walls.

With this version of the Legend, we see the previous Velcro fastened debris bag being replaced by a clip-type mechanism. Just like with any other pool vac, as it starts to get older, it will be susceptible to wear and tear. To curb this problem, Pentair has made it easy to replace parts that have been damaged.

This is the perfect cleaner for home owners who have to deal with large debris in their pool such as, twigs, acorns, rocks, leaves and other similar size objects. This cleaner from Pentair offers great cleaning coverage along with a sturdy build.

Every 3 1/2 minutes the Legend is reset which makes the cleaning pattern even more random. It does this by going into back up mode. This means it won’t get stuck in the same cleaning path merry-go-round on steps and corners. The Polaris pool cleaner range also have a lot of models that are perfect for freeform and odd shaped pools.



Pentair has made it really easy to install the cleaner by making the process similar to the installation of their Platinum cleaner version, which is a similar model, but a bit more deluxe.

If you are looking to replace an existing pressure side cleaner, the 1 1/2” threaded fitting is considered as the standard size for all pressure cleaners, meaning the cleaner will plug in without any hassle. Before installing, lay the feed hose out straight for 24 hours so that it will straighten out.

The installation process is pretty easy, and there are also videos available online that take you through a step by step process. A quick tip is, if you find that you are 10 feet short of feed hose, you will also need four floats along with two mender nuts and one swivel.

Once you are done adding in the extra feed hose, all you have to do is measure the length, cut equal portions from all three of the sections, rather than two and you’re good to go.


Maintenance and General Upkeep

This pool vacuum is long lasting and you should not have anything to worry about for at least four years. But, as the parts wear out here are some of the things you will need to look out for, especially if it refuses to start.

  • First off, you need to find out if the booster pump (sold separately) has not burned out. While you’re checking that, make sure the timer settings aren’t incorrect. To stay clear of any of these problems, while cleaning out the pool make sure that both the booster pump and the pool pump are running together to ensure optimum performance.


  • You should also check the filter screen in the wall fitting since that gets clogged with debris, stopping the cleaner from turning on.


  • Next, check the teeth of the two front wheels that often times break down due to the metal driveshaft. If they are damaged, simply replace them with the spares. Bearings also get damaged over time. There are two in each of the four wheels, so check them also.


  • With time, the gears wear off causing the back-up valve to fail. This will keep water from entering the cleaner, spinning the wheels or working the thrusters.


  • Over time, the rear float or ballast float may also crack and take in water, causing the cleaner to roll on its side. In this case, all you need to do is pull it off and replace it.



Booster Pump

To add more oomph to the Legend a booster pump is sold separately. You do need a pressure line for the Legend, but if your pool doesn’t have one the Legend II works without one.



  • Good handling – It’s easy to maneuver and won’t tip over easily.
  • The sweeper hose stays in and does not squirt water all over the place.
  • Comes with a 12-month warranty that provides customers with the peace of mind they need when purchasing a pool cleaner.
  • Makes cleaning patter more random every 31/2 mins



  • The hose is extremely long and will need to be trimmed to your needs.
  • Booster pump is sold separately
  • Instructions for installing the pool cleaner are a bit complicated for the novice.


Available From These Merchants :

Legend In-ground pool cleaner


Available @ Pool Center







3. Kreepy Krauly Above-Ground 'Lil Shark Pool Cleaner

kreepy krauly lil shark



  • Dual action cleaning scrubs dirt and vacuums it away
  • Programmable option cleans entire pool.
  • Comes with an assortment of spare parts.
  • No assembly required.
  • Dual-band of bristles and a powerful vacuum action makes sure all debris are cleared from all corners of the pool.
  • Cuts a wide 10" path for a vigorous faster cleaning job.
  • Comes with a one year warranty.


Meet The Lil Shark

The Kreepy Krauly Lil Shark Pool Cleaner scrubs and vacuums above ground pools automatically and can operate with existing pool pumps and filter systems, without the need for any additional components.

A nice feature that allows you to change the shape of the vacuums cleaning path is provided by a brush ring adjuster which can be raised up to ten inches, making sure no dirt of grime escapes its way. The product is an innovative and ground-breaking product for any pool owner and cleans above ground pools with relative ease.

This cleaner features an innovative vortex chamber design and operates using a single moving part. The Lil Shark at the end of the day is a good budget pool cleaner as long as you're aware of its limitations.



First off, you need to prepare the pool by making sure the pool water is chemically balanced. Before installation of the product to a vinyl liner pool make sure there are no signs of damage due to age or chemicals etc. If you do find any damage make sure they are taken care of by a pool professional that can carry out the necessary repairs.

It should also be noted that before installing the Lil Shark to a gunite pool make sure that any loose tiles are repaired and broken tiles are replaced.

Once you have taken care of the above mentioned areas, you can begin assembling the cleaner. Attach the hose sections and insert the swivel assembly into the top of the cleaner. Then attach the hose assembly to the cleaner swivel assembly. Now, turn the cleaner upside down and submerge it in the pool.

Lastly, with the filter system still running, connect the hose to the skimmer. To make sure you’ve covered all bases, follow the manual that comes along with the Cleaner.



Maintenance and General Upkeep

  • Once the pool cleaner has been installed it is important to make sure that it operates properly. You can do this by making sure that there is no damage to the pool finish and the vinyl linear patterns.


  • While the Kreepy Krauly Lil Shark Automatic Pool Cleaner does not need any thorough maintenance routine that needs to be carried out regularly, there are certain things you can keep in check to make sure it remains functional for a long time. For instance, empty all baskets every time it is used.


  • When your cleaner is working make sure the main train or floor drain has been closed.


  • Always make sure that the hose can reach the furthest point of your swimming pool. Most cleaners have a long hose but if you notice a section being missed by the cleaner, get an attachment to lengthen the size of the hose.


  • Sometimes the cleaner works too fast, when that happens you can start by gradually closing the return valve until the cleaner starts to run at its specified speed. Also, make sure your vacuum has a regulator installed. The automatic vacuum regulators come with two black rubber diaphragms, one labeled "50" and the other "60". Attaching the "50" on the Vacuum Regulator will cause the Cleaner to run slow. If you need the cleaner to run faster use the one marked "60".


  • If you find that the cleaner has still not cleaned the pool after four hours try a different brush ring adjuster setting, which in the Lil Shark comes from 0 to 4.
  • If the hose gets loose while cleaning the pool use a reducer cone in the skimmer. To be safe, always make sure that all connections are tight before turning on the cleaner.




  • The three hose sections make it easier to drain and store than with the traditional 30' foot vacuum hose.
  • Multiple random passes makes sure all areas of the pool are cleaned.
  • An economical pool cleaner.
  • Built in brush ring adapter for changing the cleaning path shape.
  • Comes with a 32 ft. hose



    • One thing to note is that this version does not clean the pool cove area.
    • The front of the unit is forced upwards when it comes in contact with the main drain.
    • The hose comes in 3' sections that are snapped together. This means that the pump needs to be turned off and primed more often than with other pool cleaners.
    • Takes around four hours to vacuum the entire pool.


Lil Shark Purchase Options

Pool Center



4. Kreepy Krauly E-Z Vac Above-Ground Pool Cleaner

Kreepy Krauly E-Z Vac



  • Superior hydraulic design delivers more power.
  • Has a single operational moving part - the flapper and no wheels.
  • Free skimming valve regulates water flow automatically to assure proper cleaning speed.
  • Works well in flat-bottomed pools and pools that are disk shaped along with banked or radius cove pools as well.
  • Includes 32 ft. of hose.


Eazy Introduction

The Kreepy Krauly E-Z Vac Above-Ground Pool Cleaner is considered to be a fantastic cleaner for above ground pools and for good reason. The cleaner offers an abundance of features and boasts of a new and innovative design that enables it to clean pools like no other especially deep pools where cleaners often get clogged and stuck at the deep end.

Thanks to the latest technology used in the design of the Kreepy Krauly E-Z Vac, users do not need to worry about their device getting stuck when they least expect it. The new technology and design ensures the seamless operation of the E-Z Vac when it comes to scrubbing and vacuuming hard debris from the murky depths of your pool.

But, the best part about using this pool cleaner is that it could help to significantly reduce the wear and tear that often occurs in pool filters, allowing the skimmer to just remove bacterial agents from the water after the large debris have been dealt with.

Another reason why the pool cleaner is a good option for pool owners is because it reduces the dependency on chemicals that are used to keep the pool clean.


You will have to start off by preparing your pool before you can actually use this device. Begin by making sure the pool water has been chemically balanced. After that, brush the pool and allow the debris to settle.

You can follow that with hand vacuuming the pool, and then cleaning the filters and the pump strainer bucket. Once you’ve completed the preparation of the pool you can turn to the E-Z Vac Above-Ground Pool Cleaner box.

Take out all of the components and make sure all have been included in the box. Then follow the manual that came with the device and start to piece the parts together. While this version is a single piece unit, there are other parts that you will need to attach to the device such as the hose, bumper strap and hose weight etc.


Price Comparison


pool cleaner E-Z Vac

E-Z Vac Above Ground Pool Cleaner





Maintenance and General Upkeep

  • If the cleaner isn’t performing like it should, check the return line water flow. The water flow from the return line can cause the cleaner to steer away from its preferred location. You can use the eye ball diverter to correct this issue.


  • Works better in pools with a banked or radius cove- can effect random pattern of cleaner if your pool has no cove and a 90 degree wall to floor angle.


  • If it is not moving, some additional adjustments to the settings may be required. Also, check for any debris in its flapper or in the filter or pump basket. Also, the pool pump and filter system installed may be too small and incapable of providing the amount of water the device needs. To take care of this issue contact a pool professional.


  • If you want the hose to retain its shape do not coil it up once the cleaner has been removed from the pool.


  • The Pool Cleaner requires almost no maintenance, but the proper use can ensure that your cleaner remains fully function for a long time.



  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Comes with a one year warranty.
  • Installs in minutes, with no tools required.



  • If your pool has smaller pumps (less than 3/4 hp), this won’t produce the best results.
  • Expensive parts.
  • Moves very slowly.
  • Needs to be dragged down to the end quite often.





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